Monday, October 24, 2011

Nature vs. Nurture

Wild Growth at 59 Java

Have you ever seen a truly "vacant lot"? One which is literally nothing but dirt or gravel? They are surprisingly hard to find in that state. In the absence of human intervention it seems that plants will grow everywhere.

We see them around Greenpoint not only in the planters and parks but also in the cracks and crevices. Flowering ivy twists and climbs along our fences. Although there are few lawns here there is no shortage of grass; it grows in the gaps in the sidewalk. And of course where there is a large open space something green is sure to grow.

Half of the lot at 59 Java Street is green with wild grasses and flowers. Even from outside the cage which contains them (or perhaps protects them?) some of them are quite lovely (see above). Some are less so. Some conceal a dirty napkin or sit adjacent to a discarded cup. Some of the plants have been crushed into the earth by the wheels of a heavy vehicle. A literal path of destruction can still be seen preserved in the dirt (see below).

Sadly there is rarely an "absence of human intervention" in Brooklyn. The housing complex next door is still under construction. For 59 Java that makes it a source of destruction. Garbage arrives from many sources. It may be blown in by the wind or thrown in by careless passers-by. There was a chunk of sheet metal on the lot the last time I was there, but at least no-one has dumped an old mattress yet.

Worse, the land itself is none too clean. Greenpoint has a long history as an industrial center. A history of shipbuilding, oil refining and storage, textile dyeing, and dry cleaning. A varied and colorful history which has no doubt left the soil with a varied and colorful chemistry.

A pristine parcel is perhaps a bit too much to ask for in the big city. We're going to have to do a little nurturing.

We are called the Java Street Collaborative and we are working with the Green Thumb program and to create a community garden at 59 Java Street. Right now we are in the early stages of the process. We have finished creating our basic media package (a sign for the site, flyers, and of course this blog) and are now working on a presentation for the Parks and Waterfront Committee of Community Board 1. We are also still discussing ideas for the garden. Is composting a possibility? What are our options for remediation of the soil?

If you want to help out we can be reached at Drop us a line!

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